Someone didn't do their job and spell check the copy for the digital Billboard along Ironwood and 23 in South Bend this past weekend. This was the result. (Source:
I might not be the nerd that I once was but I still read up on Wired and Gizmodo, and a lot of the articles really interest me. If for some reason I had decided to stick with engineering (which I'm still glad I didn't... I love advertising. We're a perfect fit), I would probably have gone in the direction of environmental engineering. My bff Jessie used to preach about saving the Rain Forest and it kinda stuck with me. So this article on Wired was pretty cool. It's about a guy who is trying to develop Solar Roadways or roads that would provide Solar Power. The video (and article) explain it much better than I can, but the man behind the idea, Scott Brushaw, had been thinking about electric roadways since he was a child. One day while he and his wife were gardening and talking about climate change (Nerd couple. Love it), his wife said "Why can't your roadways be made out of solar panels?" And from there, the ideas spiraled, both positive and negative. The main positives? They can be built over existing asphalt, help solve crumbling roadway problems, provide solar power, and the LED lights could allow for moving lanes around, creating crosswalks and displaying speed limits. Main negatives? The question of traction, costs for R&D, cost for development, all related to creating a glass case that will really work.
Anyway, the article more informative. Follow the link here.
I still get as excited for birthdays as I did when I was 5, so turning 23 was no different! I received a lot of calls/texts/facebook posts from my friends and with all the love sent my way, I'm feeling pretty special! So yay for birthdays and here's to many more :)