When March comes around in Chicago, for some reason everyone thinks that winter is over and there will be no more cold and snowy days. Of course, everyone is always wrong. But usually there is a small bout of 60 degree days that convince everyone otherwise. "See! It's warming up already! Spring is here! There should be no more snow! Winter should be over!" We are always disappointed.
I don't understand why this happens. We should know better by now. Instead, my facebook newsfeed is bogged down with status updates like "Winter: GO DIE". A bit harsh, no? Let's all just calm down a little and remember that we live in Chicago, where the truly warm weather will not start until May at the earliest. Another blizzard like the one in my photo might be a bit of a stretch, but I wouldn't be surprised if a small snow shower is still in store.
Nevertheless, I did go shopping at Forever 21 this weekend and cannot WAIT to wear my new spring and summer clothing :)